All Natural Quick And Easy Tarnish Removing DIY

All Natural Quick And Easy Tarnish Removing DIY

Over time sterling silver becomes dull and tarnished.  This is due to a chemical reaction that silver has to being exposed to moisture in the air.  Since many of Sweet Harriet's rings are made with hypo-allergenic sterling silver they will undergo colour changes if not worn frequently.  However, with this easy and natural tarnish-removing DIY, you can turn back the clock on your Sweet Harriet treasures.  



tarnished jewelry

2 bowls

boiling water

aluminum foil

baking soda

a cotton towel

a spoon or tongs


Step 1:  line a bowl with aluminum foil


Step 2:  Fill the other bowl with boiling water


Step 3:  Stir a tablespoon of baking soda into the water until completely dissolved


Step 4:  Place your tarnished jewelry at the bottom of the foil-lined bowl


Step 5:  Pour your baking soda-water solution into the foil-lined bowl until your silver pieces are completely covered


Step 6:  Let the mixture sit and watch the magic happen.  You will be able to see the silver brighten instantly!  Depending on how tarnished the silver is, you may need to let it sit for several minutes.  


Step 7:  When the silver has brightened to your satisfaction, fish them out of the solution.


Step 8:  Dry them off with a clean cotton towel and admire your like-new sparkly silver jewels!




xo Michelle


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