The Power of Words

The Power of Words

Sweet Harriet's 'Power of Words' line of hand carved rings and bracelets were inspired by Dr. Masaru Emoto's studies on the effects of thoughts, words, and feelings on water molecules.



Emoto believed that water was a "blueprint for our reality"and that emotional "energies" and "vibrations" could change the physical structure of water. Dr. Emoto's studies revealed that when positive words and feelings are focused on water molecules, they transformed and became beautiful, complex, and colourful patterns as opposed to molecules treated with hateful words that became dull, incomplete patterns. See the pictures below for samples of his studies:





Since humans are mostly made of water, we created the Power of Words collection to keep loving words close touching our skin; the words will positively effect the water molecules inside the wearer's body. 


DIY Experiment

Intrigued by Emoto's studies, we conducted our own experiment using three jars of rice soaked in water.  One was dedicated to positive, loving words while another received negative words.  The third was left alone as a control, but kept in the same conditions as the other two jars.




After several weeks of uttering sweet nothings to our "Love" jar and expressing anger and contempt to the "Hate" jar, we saw obvious differences between the two jars despite both being in the same temperature and light conditions throughout the experiment. The "Hate" jar developed mould at a much faster rate, and the rice became brown and mushy.  The grains of rice in the "Love" jar are nearly identical to day 1 of the experiment: whole and free-moving in the water bath.  The "Hate" jar also emitted a strong blue cheese like smell, while the other two jars fermented but did not smell nearly as bad. 



>> We conclude (with all our scientific expertise) Emoto's findings to hold a grain of truth.  

Words truly do create our world.




Watch the video below of designer Sarah Karst talking about her inspiration behind the Power of Words Rings and Bracelets: 


Your words create your world!   XO Sarah 

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