Cowgirls Gone Wild

Cowgirls Gone Wild

The seasons changed quickly on the West Coast and our posse of babes at Balsam Beach Studio decided to dive deep into Fall with a new Autumn shift tradition: horseback riding! With our new (horse) friends, we set off towards the setting sun, galloping and giggling our way through the forest...


Horses + sunshine + turquoise + friends + laughter + fresh air + green grass + sea glass + cowboys + floppy hats + tall trees + fall leaves + deep breaths + super moons + clothes that feel as good as naked = these are a few of my favourite things!



The All Seeing Eye (also known as The Eye of Providence) is a protection amulet is present in many ancient cultures. Widely seen as symbol of Divine Providence.




Turquoise is honoured as the 'universal stone' meaning ones mind would become one with the Universe when wearing it.

Turquoise's colour is thought to be influenced by the physical condition of the person who wears it. It is thought to grow pale when its owner is sick or depressed, lose all colour if the owner dies, and gradually recover its color when transferred to a new healthy owner.

Its protective powers are strongest when it has been given as a gift. And in my opinion, any friend that is gifting you turquoise is a keeper!


 If you haven't been on a horse in a while (or maybe even ever) might I suggest you remedy that and ride! Thanks to mother nature, our beautiful horses, setting sunlight and good vibrations, we rode off into the sunset better, brighter humans.  

XOXOXO Balsam Beach Studio Babes (Harriet, Betty, Liv & Michelle)


To find yourself some clothes that feel as good as naked click here <---

To find one of a kind turquoise and sterling silver rings click here <---


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